Guys, do a little research with me! Put the palm of your hand on your chest. Do you feel something beating? Yes. It is your heart. We have known that hearth pumps to produce fresh blood for all body tissues. However, do you know how heart pumps blood and circulate it to all body tissues?

As we talk, the heart ejects oxygen rich blood under high pressure out of the heart’s main pumping chamber, the left ventricle, through the largest artery, the aorta. Smaller arteries branch off from the aorta, leading to various parts of the body. These smaller arteries in turn branch out into even smaller arteries, called arterioles.

Capillaries have extremely thin walls that permit dissolved oxygen and nutrients from the blood to diffuse across to a fluid, known as interstitial fluid that fills the gaps between the cells of tissues or organs. The dissolved oxygen an nutrients then enter the cells from the interstitial fluid by diffusion across the cell membranes. In this way, the blood delivers nutrients and removes wastes without leaving the capillary tube.

After delivering oxygen tissues the deoxygenated blood in capillaries then start the return trip to the heart.

Source: BBI Bahasa Inggris putaran 1 pertemuan 2 tahun ajaran 2009-2010 SMA N 1 SLEMAN


Ayo teman, lakukan penelitian kecil dengan ku? Letakkan telapak tanganmu di dadamu. Apakah kamu merasakan sesuatu yang berdetak? Ya, itu adlah jantungmu. Kita sudah tahu bahwa jantung memompa untuk menghasilkan darah segar untuk seluruh jaringan tubuh. Tetapi apakah kamu tahu bagaimana jantung memompa darah dan mengedarkannya ke seluruh jaringan tubuh?

Seperti yang kita bicarakan, jantung menyemprotkan darah yang kaya oksigen dengan tekanan tinggi dari ruang utama jantung yaitu, serambi kiri terus ke pembuluh nadi terbesar yaitu aorta. Pembuluh nadi terkecil bercabang dari aorta menuju ke segala bagian tubuh. Pembuluh nadi terkecil ini bercabang menuju yang lebih kecil yang disebut arterioles.

Kapiler mempunyai dinding yang sangat tipis yang memungkinkan oksigen dan nutrisi yang larut dari darah berdifusi menyebrang cairan sela yang mengisi celah diantara sek-sel jaringan atau organ. Oksigen dan nutrisi yang larut memasuki sel dari cairan sela dengan cara penyebaran ke membran sel. Dengan jalan ini, darah mengantarkan nutrisi dan zat sisa tanpa meninggalkan pembuluh kapiler.

Setelah mengantarkan olsigen ke seluruh tubuh darah yang tak mempunyai oksigen dalam kapiler lalu kembali ke kapiler.

Sekar Arum P. (XII A3/31)

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Banyak Makan Serat Tidak Selamanya Baik untuk Perut

Deirdre Parsonage (Foto: dailymail)
London, Anjuran banyak-banyaklah makan serat untuk menjaga kesehatan sepertinya tidak sepenuhnya benar. Kebanyakan makan serat malah membuat usus teriritasi. Makan banyak serat untuk penderita irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) juga tidak efektif.

Seperti dialami perempuan Inggris Deirdre Parsonage (52 tahun) yang selama ini sangat mendewakan serat karena yakin serat paling bagus untuk kesehatan.

Selama 10 tahun Deirdre berusaha untuk diet dengan hanya mengonsumi makanan kaya serat seperti sereal bran flakes dari kulit padi untuk sarapan. Roti gandum, pasta dan nasi untuk makan siang dan malam, serta lima porsi buah dan sayuran setiap hari.

Tanpa disadari, diet yang sehat menurut Deirdre itu telah membuat dirinya selalu mengalami kesakitan. Dan setelah diperiksa menurut dokter ususnya teriritasi. Anjuran konsumsi serat yang banyak untuk penderita IBS juga ternyata tidak efektif. Parahnya penderita kurang serat atau IBS oleh dokter selalu disarankan mengonsumsi banyak serat.

Namun dalam studi yang akan segera diterbitkan dalam British Medical Journal menunjukkan bahwa terlalu banyak makan makanan sereal kulit padi dan serat lain kemungkinan lebih banyak keburukan daripada kebaikannya.

Profesor Peter Whorwell dari Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester menuntut perlunya perubahan dalam terminologi penanganan IBS ini. Serat seharusnya tidak lagi dilihat sebagai satu-satunya hal penting untuk diet sehat dan terutama untuk pengobatan penderita IBS.

Diperkirakan ada 9 juta warga Inggris yang mengalami kasus IBS. Gejala IBS ditandai dengan adanya gangguan usus yang kronik, rasa sakit atau kram perut, kembung, diare hingga sembelit. Meskipun tidak diketahui apa penyebabnya, perempuan tiga kali lebih banyak mengalaminya ketimbang laki-laki.

Profesor Peter menyarankan pasien IBS untuk menggantikan makanan serat tinggi dengan roti putih, pasta putih, biskuit, kue dan krim biskuit apapun asalkan terbuat dari tepung putih halus .

Serat yang bagus adalah buah dan sayuran mengandung serat larut yang larut dalam air. Berbeda dari serat tidak larut, yang ditemukan dalam makanan seperti kulit gandum dan yang dalam proses pencernaannya tidak berubah sehingga mengganggu usus yang sensitif.

Namun, Profesor Whorwell percaya bahwa puluhan ribu orang dengan IBS juga sensitif terhadap serat larut juga.

Diet makanan yang kaya serat, termasuk buah-buahan dan sayuran, bisa mengiritasi usus menjadi sensitif dan memperparah gejala IBS termasuk distensi perut, kembung, nyeri dan peningkatan diare.

"Aku tidak bisa mengikuti aturan lima hari makan buah dan sayuran karena aku akan merasa terlalu sakit. Kalau aku keluar belanja, pilihan sehat untuk makan siang adalah kentang panggang dan salad," kata Deirdre seperti dilansir dari Dailymail, Kamis (19/11/2009).

Konsumsi serat yang ideal per hari untuk orang dewasa disarankan hanya 30-40 gram per hari sedangkan untuk anak-anak 10-20 gram per hari.


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1. Mr T tells us to close our notebooks.
We are told to close our notebooks.
2. People speak English all over the world.
English is spoken all over the world
3. Did anyone ask any questions about me?
Were any questions asked about me?
4. We have been waiting for him all day long.
He has been being waited all day long.
5. Mr Jack has invited you to lunch tomorrow.
You have been invited to lunch tomorrow.
6. The students did not do the English test easily.
The English test was not done easily.
7. You must check the answer before you give it back.
The answer must be checked before you give it back.
8. We are doing the passive test in the Multi Media Room.
The passive test is being done in the Multi Media Room.
9. Would you join the remedial test if you got bad mark again?
Would the remedial test be joined if you got bad mark again?
10. The white board has been cleaned by you.
You have cleaned the whiteboard.
11. The interview will be done in this room by us.
We will do the interview in this room.
12. English was being studied diligently by them last night.
They were studying English diligently last night.
13. This test must be finished in 45 minutes by the students.
The students must finish the test in 45 minutes.
14. We have been being taught math by Mr Sus for three years.
Mr Sus has been teaching us math for three years.
15. Will the coming UAN test be being faced by you in the month of April ?
Will you be facing the UAN test in the month of April ?
16. Mr Fajar is showing us his new blog.
a. We are being shown his new blog
b. His new blog is being shown to us
17. They will be asking her several questions
a. She will be being asked several questions
b. Several questions will be being asked to her
18. Mrs Nanik has been reading them another story
a. They have been being read another story
b. Another story has been being read to them
19. Does he tell you the new law of Archimedes ?
a. Are you told the new law of Archimedes?
b. Is the new law of Archimedes told to you?
20. We should have given him our new projects before he came here
a. He should have been given our new project before he came here
b. Our new project should have been given to him before he came here

1. Students should not do this test if they study diligently
This test should not be done if they study diligently.
2. You are joining the English remedial test once again
The English remedial test is being joined once again
3. Has Indri written the assignments dealing with KRR competition?
Have the assignments dealing with KRR competition been written by Indri ?
4. Didn’t you ask a direct question clearly to Mr T before the test?
Wasn’t a direct question asked clearly to Mr T before the test?
5. Will you be waiting for them tomorrow evening?
Will they be being waited for tomorrow evening?
6. No one has ever told them how to behave
They have never been told how to behave
7. They do not tell you the truth about the next test (2 p)
a. You are not told the truth about the next test
b. The truth about the next test is not told to you
8. The police asked him many questions during the interrogation (2 p)
a. He was asked many questions during the interrogation
b. Many questions were asked to him during the interrogation

9. All note books must be closed immediately by the students
The students must close all note books immediately
10. Is the television going to be watched all day by them?
Are they going to watch the television all day?
11. We should not be fooled by him if we believed in you
He should not fool us if we believed in you
12. Kiki was being told to come on time by the teacher
The teacher was telling Kiki to come on time.
13. The remedial test is not easily done by the students
The students do not do the remedial test easily

Sekar Arum P. (XII A3/31)

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